Thank you for your interest in participating in CCMUNCS 2024-25. After you complete the mymun registration form, you will get a confirmation email from our USGs of Delegate Affairs with further steps.

If you have any further questions, please contact our USGs of Delegate Affairs at

*Please note that CCMUNCS’ registration fee includes a complimentary two-night hotel stay on-site at the conference venue upon the completion of delegate/delegation registration and payment.

Please find the specific registration timeline on the registration form page, linked in the button above.

Please note that payment for early registration is not due until October 10th, 2024, and is not due at the time of registration.

Delegations are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. In the event that CCMUNCS hits its full conference capacity, applications will begin to be pushed to a waitlist. For this reason, we ask that you register as soon as possible in order to secure your spot.


CCMUNCS warmly welcomes independent delegations to our conference and encourages them to register. Independent delegations have a minimum size of one and must be accompanied by an advisor (who can be a parent, faculty advisor, teacher, or other trusted guardian) unless the delegate is over the age of 18. Independent delegations can register for CCMUNCS through the regular registration system.

FiNancial aid APPLICANTS

The CCMUNCS Access initiative sponsors dedicated students who would otherwise not have the financial means to attend our conference. We understand that registering for CCMUNCS entails a substantial financial commitment and are proud to announce our Access Initiative program and help as many schools as possible attend CCMUNCS. More information about financial aid can be found on the Access Initiative page.

CCMUNCS Access Initiative applicants should register at any point prior to the Access Initiative application deadline of August 31, 2024. Once you register, please email our USG of Delegate Affairs at and indicate that you will apply for financial aid so that you are not expected to pay your delegation’s fees until after you receive your Access Initiative decision.


Please note that CCMUNCS is a high school conference.* Delegates must be high school students between the ages of 13 and 19 at the time of CCMUNCS I, which begins on January 10, 2024. We strongly recommend students be rising 9th graders at minimum.

*Does not apply for the middle school and virtual committee, which only requires enrollment at a K-12 institution & between the ages of 11 and 19. Further exceptions may be provided.

For International Delegations

CCMUNCS is thrilled to receive international students and delegations. Please ensure you comply with U.S. Immigration regulations. Remember, all visa information is subject to change and must be confirmed with the U.S. Department of State.


Visitors from countries participating in the visa waiver program do not require a visa. Others should apply for a B-2 (pleasure/tourist) visa from the U.S. Department of State, or your nearest U.S. Consulate. General visa questions should be directed to the U.S. Department of State. Letters confirming that your school's delegates are registered to attend the conference may be required. If so, please contact our Secretary-General.

Payment Timeline

Delegations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If CCMUNCS reaches full conference capacity, applications will be placed on a waitlist. Therefore, we encourage you to register as soon as possible to secure your spot.

Please note that a processing fee of approximately 7% will be applied to all payments made via the mymun platform. Payments made to us directly will incur an approximate 5% transaction fee and can be submitted via direct ACH or Wire Transfers to our USG of Delegate Affairs. For this purpose, an invoice will be sent out to you after registration.

If the above-preferred payment methods are not possible for your delegation, please contact our USG of Delegate Affairs for more information.

registration fees

Please note that the advisor fee does not include a two-night stay at the hotel. After registration, a member of the secretariat will reach out to your delegation to ask about any additional room reservations, including those for advisors.

Delegate fees include both the registration fee and a two-night stay at the venue. Fees include all taxes.*


July 10, 2024 - September 31, 2024, or the first hundred delegates

$179.99 PER DELEGATE (Registration + Hotel Stay)

Advisor Fee: $35

Delegation Fee: $150


October 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024


Advisor Fee: $35

Delegation Fee: $150


December 1, 2024 - December 20, 2024


Advisor Fee: $35

Delegation Fee: $150


Please note that independent delegates will be assumed to room with three other independent delegates, and that the registration fee is calculated in such a manner. Advisors will be responsible for booking separate accommodations through our additional room booking process as indicated below. If an advisor intends to SHARE ONE ROOM with a student, please refrain from completing payment until you have coordinated with our Delegate Affairs Team.

July 10, 2024 - September 31, 2024


Advisor Fee: $35

Delegation Fee: $0

*To ensure the best possible rate for all attendees, CCMUNCS requires participants to stay on the property. However, we recognize the financial challenges this may pose to some delegations.

Therefore, in addition to our Access Initiative, CCMUNCS may grant commuter status to delegations located in the City of Irvine and its adjacent cities, subject to our sole discretion. The Secretariat's decision on waiver eligibility is final and not open to appeal. Delegations seeking commuter status can contact our USGs of Delegate Affairs at after registration.

Please be aware that a revised registration fee for commuter status will exceed the standard fee with the room fee subtracted, as it includes additional charges incurred by the property owing to the discounted facility rate not being applied for communter delegations.

  • Delegate Lower Occupancy Rooming is an optional rooming upgrade, which is to be paid in addition to the overnight delegate registration fee.

    Single-Person Delegate Room: $287.40 USD - Conference Weekend, Per Delegate

    Two-Person Delegate Room: $95.80 USD - Conference Weekend, Per Delegate

    Three-Person Delegate Room: $31.93 USD - Conference Weekend, Per Delegate

    Four-Person Delegate Room: Included in Overnight Delegate Registration Fee

    Please note that a delegate room’s occupancy for the conference weekend must be the same occupancy for any additional room nights. For example, should a delegate reserve a two-person room for the conference weekend, they must also reserve a two-person room for any additional nights they request.

  • King-Bedded Chaperone Room: $383.20 USD - Conference Weekend

    Additional Room Night: $191.60 USD per night

  • Additional Single-Person Delegate Room Night: $191.60 USD - Per Night, Per Person

    Additional Two-Person Delegate Room Night: $95.80 USD - Per Night, Per Person

    Additional Three-Person Delegate Room Night: $63.87 USD - Per Night, Per Person

    Additional Four-Person Delegate Room Night: $47.90 USD - Per Night, Per Person

    Please note that a delegate room’s occupancy for the conference weekend must be the same occupancy for any additional room nights. For example, should a delegate reserve a two-person room for the conference weekend, they must also reserve a two-person room for any additional nights they request.

  • Due to high interest in virtual participation, the CCMUNCS secretariat is pleased to offer a virtual committee option for this year's conference! Registeration fees are as follows:

    $25 flat fee for delegate registration (Per Delegate)

    $0 Delegation Fee


CCMUNCS is delighted to offer affordable and quality dining options at the convenient location of our venue.


Breakfast service on Saturday and Sunday morning



Lunch service on Saturday afternoon



Breakfast service on Saturday and Sunday morning & Lunch service on Saturday afternoon


Payment Process


1. By mymun, please note that an approximate 7% service charge applies.

2. By Stripe, if you indicated that you would prefer to pay via ACH or Wire Transfer, please note that a 5% service charge applies.


(must be processed by)
Early Registration: October 10th, 2024
Regular Registration: December 10th, 2024
Late Registration: December 31st, 2024

It is preferred that all payments are made within 30 days of registering, however, all payments must be made before the official payment deadline of December 31st, 2024. The USG of Delegate Affaris will notify you if you miss that payment deadline; if we receive no response within 14 days, we reserve the right to forfeit your spots to any delegations that may be on the waiting list.

*Note: We understand that making deadlines set by the conference sometimes can be difficult to achieve because of extenuating circumstances. If you are unable to submit money in accordance to the payment deadline due to policies within your school board or school district, please speak with our USG of Delegate Affairs as soon as possible. We try our best to accommodate all schools, and notifying our USG of Delegate Affairs about any extenuating circumstances will help your school avoid higher fees.

Refund Policies

Before or on October 31, 2024: Full refund on registration fees (excl. processing charges)
November 1 - November 30, 2024: 50% refund on registration fees (excl. processing charges)
After November 30, 2024: No refund (excl. processing charges)

Requests for refund must be made to the USG of Delegate Affairs who can be reached at Please note that no refunds can be made after November 30, 2024, regardless of weather or other circumstances. We reserve the right to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion. If we issue a refund or credit, we are under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future.


Requests for Delegation size changes—either Delegate or Advisor numbers—should be made by e-mail to the USG of Delegate Affairs. Changes will automatically be reflected in an updated invoice.


CCMUNCS will occur from January 10, 2024, to January 12, 2024, regardless of weather conditions. If a delegation chooses not to attend the conference because of inclement weather, we will be unable to provide refunds to the delegations.


After registration, individual delegates should accordingly indicate their committee preferences (first, second, and third). Please note that for the Advanced Joint Crisis Committee, a short 100-word paragraph on the delegate’s suitability for the committee is required. Please direct any questions to the USG of Delegate Affairs.